Should I Pay or Appeal Total Parking Solutions? Quick Guide

Have you got a parking ticket from Total Parking Solutions? It can feel scary, but there’s no need to worry. Every month, over 32,000 people visit this site seeking advice on tickets and fines.
In this guide, we’ll explain:
- Who Total Parking Solutions are
- What to do if you get a parking ticket from them
- How much a ticket might cost you
- What happens if you don’t pay your ticket
- How to contact Total Parking Solutions if you need to
We know that getting a parking ticket can be very worrying. You might be scared about what will happen if you don’t pay, or you may need more information to decide what to do.
We’re here to help you understand how to deal with your Total Parking Solutions parking ticket. Let’s dive in!
Most Ticket Appeals Succeed
In some circumstances, you might have a legitimate reason not to pay your fine.
It’s a bit sneaky, but the last time I needed legal advice, I paid £5 for a trial to chat with an online solicitor called JustAnswer.
Not only did I save £50 on solicitor feeds, I also won my case and didn’t have to pay my £271 fine.
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*According to Martin Lewis, 56% of people who try to appeal their ticket are successful and get the charge overturned, so it’s well worth a try.
So, why would you get a Total Parking Solutions fine?
As mentioned, Total Parking Solutions could fine you for a minor parking infraction. I’ve listed a few common reasons here:
- You didn’t pay to use the car park
- You overstayed an allotted time
- You parked badly over two bays on in one reserved for families/disabled
- Enter the car park but leave again without paying
You could get back to your vehicle and find the parking charge notice slapped on your windscreen. Or the fine could arrive in the post if the operator caught the alleged infraction on camera!
Accredited operators like Total Parking Solutions get your details from the DVLA when you’re the registered keeper.
How much would a Total Parking Solutions set you back?
You could end up paying £100+ when you get a Total Parking Solutions fine. There was a cap placed on how much private operators could charge you. But the government has put it on hold until 2023!
So, for the moment a Total Parking Solutions fine could set you back as much as £100. Although if you pay the parking charge within 14 days, the operator discounts it by 40%. So, if the fine is £100, you’d only pay £60 which is still a lot if the parking charge is unjustified!
Do I have to pay total parking solutions?
No. Not without making sure the operator issued the fine correctly. Moreover, I’d suggest you check the following before paying too:
- Were you allowed a grace period?
- Did an emergency prevent you from getting back to your vehicle in time?
- Was the parking charge correctly served in line with the Code of Practice?
- Did the parking charge arrive in the post more than fourteen days after you used the car park?
- Were the signs and road markings in the car park visible and was the information clear?
- Did you park correctly and pay the correct fee?
You should only pay the parking charge once you’re happy it was correctly served and you deserve it. Plus, when you pay within two weeks, the operator lets you pay a reduced amount!
What is a grace period?
All operators should allow you ten minutes grace before issuing a parking charge notice. So, if Total Parking Solutions issued the fine before the ten minutes had expired, you could challenge it!
What happens when you don’t pay a Total Parking Solutions fine?
Things get more expensive and messy when you don’t pay a Total Parking Solutions fine. The operator will chase you for the money by sending you payment reminders/demands.
Worst still, Total Parking Solutions could ask a debt collection agency to chase you for the payment. Not a pleasant experience at any time. You could face court proceedings over an unpaid parking charge notice.
If you still don’t pay when the operator wins a case in a small claims court, a CCJ is registered against you.
Of course, there’s a chance the operator won’t take you to court. But there’s never any guarantee they won’t!
Successful Appeal Case Study
Initial Fine | £100 |
Additional Fees | £171 |
Total Fine | £271 |
The Appeal Process
Scott used JustAnswer, online legal service to enhance his appeal. The trial of this cost him just £5.
Total Fine | £271 |
Cost of legal advice | £5 |
JustAnswer helped Scott craft the best appeal possible and he was able to win his case.
Scott’s fine was cancelled and he only paid £5 for the legal help.
In partnership with Just Answer.
How to avoid paying Total Parking Solutions parking tickets
If you want to avoid paying a Total Parking Solutions parking ticket then you’ll need an airtight appeal.
The best way to perfect your appeal is getting a little advice from a Solicitor. I’d 100% recommend spending a fiver to get a trial of JustAnswer.
You can explain your situation in their chat and they’ll connect you with a Solicitor who can advise you and give you the best chance to win your appeal.
Click here to get the trial offer with JustAnswer.
Total Parking Solutions appeal process
You can appeal a Total Parking Solutions fine by filling out the operator’s online appeals form. It’s worth noting that when you appeal the fine within two weeks and the operator rejects it, you could pay the reduced amount!
That said, the deadline to file an appeal against a parking charge is set at twenty-eight days. After 28 days, you lose the right to appeal the charge!
The operator should decide whether to uphold your appeal or reject it within 56 days. Plus, Total Parking Solutions must put everything on hold during this time!
If the operator accepts your appeal, they cancel the parking charge!
What happens when Total Parking Solutions rejects an appeal?
You’ll get a rejection letter from Total Parking Solutions. The letter must explain what to do. In short, the operator must let you know how to pay the fine and when.
Plus, Total Parking Solutions must let you know how to escalate your appeal to an independent appeals service! So, in short, you’ve got two options when an appeal is rejected. These are:
- Pay the fine
- Escalate your appeal
Total Parking Solutions is a British Parking Association member. Therefore, your appeal is assessed by the Parking on Private Land Appeals service (POPLA).
The operator can’t chase you for payment while POPLA considers your appeal. Plus, POPLA’s decision is final. Therefore, if your appeal is upheld by the appeals service, the operator must cancel the parking charge.
But, if POPLA rules in favour of the operator, you’ll have to pay!
It costs nothing to escalate your appeal to POPLA, so it’s worth considering. But if the appeals service rejects your appeal, you’ll have to pay the full amount!
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Reviews shown are for JustAnswer.
Should I ignore a private parking ticket?
You shouldn’t ignore a parking ticket from Total Parking Solutions because the operator could take you to court. When you don’t pay if a court orders you to, a CCJ is registered on your credit history.
Will Total Parking Solutions take you to court?
Yes. There’s a chance Total Parking Solutions could take you to court over an unpaid parking charge notice. Your best bet is to challenge the fine within two weeks when you’re unhappy about things. Like this, you get to pay the discounted parking charge if the operator rejects your appeal.
How do you contact Total Parking Solutions?
I’ve listed how you can contact Total Parking Solutions here:
Method accepted | Yes/No | Details |
Online contact form | Yes | |
Telephone | Yes | 03301 596 126 |
No |
Hire a Parking Solicitor for less than a coffee.
If you’re thinking about appealing your parking ticket then getting some professional advice is a good idea.
Getting the support of a Solicitor can make your appeal much more likely to win.
For a £5 trial, Solicitors from JustAnswer can look at your case and help you create an airtight appeal.
In partnership with Just Answer.