Appeal UKCPS Parking Charge Notice or Go To Court?

Have you got a UKCPS Parking Charge Notice (PCN) and not sure what to do next?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Each month, over 32,000 people visit our site looking for guidance on tickets and fines. Getting a PCN can be unsettling, but you do have options.
In this easy-to-follow guide, you’ll learn:
- Who UKCPS is, and what a Parking Charge Notice means
- The difference between a penalty charge and a parking charge
- Why you might get a UKCPS Parking Charge Notice and how much it can be
- How to appeal a UKCPS Parking Charge and the chances of winning
- What happens if you don’t pay or appeal the charge
We know that receiving a PCN can be stressful, and you may worry about the impact on your money or even the fear of going to court.
We’re here to help you find out how you can handle your UKCPS PCN. Let’s dive in!
Most Ticket Appeals Succeed
In some circumstances, you might have a legitimate reason not to pay your fine.
It’s a bit sneaky, but the last time I needed legal advice, I paid £5 for a trial to chat with an online solicitor called JustAnswer.
Not only did I save £50 on solicitor feeds, I also won my case and didn’t have to pay my £271 fine.
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*According to Martin Lewis, 56% of people who try to appeal their ticket are successful and get the charge overturned, so it’s well worth a try.
How to avoid paying UKCPS parking tickets
If you want to avoid paying a UKCPS parking ticket then you’ll need an airtight appeal.
The best way to perfect your appeal is getting a little advice from a Solicitor. I’d 100% recommend spending a fiver to get a trial of JustAnswer.
You can explain your situation in their chat and they’ll connect you with a Solicitor who can advise you and give you the best chance to win your appeal.
Click here to get the trial offer with JustAnswer.
Why would you get a UKCPS Parking Charge Notice?
UKCPS could issue you with a Parking Charge Notice for a number of alleged, minor parking violations.
I’ve listed just some of the reasons here:
- Parking in a bay reserved for the disabled without displaying a valid badgeLeaving a car parked over two bays rather than just the one
- Overstaying for the amount of time you paid for
- Failing to correctly display a valid ticket in your vehicle
That said, accredited car park management companies like UKCPS must allow you a grace period of 10 minutes before issuing a Parking Charge. If they don’t, you could have grounds to have the ticket cancelled.
Check out what happened to one person who posted this message on a popular forum:

Source: Moneysavingexpert
Should you pay a UKCPS Parking Charge straight away?
No. First, you should see if all the details on the parking ticket are correct. Also, you should establish the time the ticket was issued against the time you paid for it.
If the ticket was issued before the grace period was up, you have the right to ask the operator to cancel the Parking Charge Notice.
Successful Appeal Case Study
Initial Fine | £100 |
Additional Fees | £171 |
Total Fine | £271 |
The Appeal Process
Scott used JustAnswer, online legal service to enhance his appeal. The trial of this cost him just £5.
Total Fine | £271 |
Cost of legal advice | £5 |
JustAnswer helped Scott craft the best appeal possible and he was able to win his case.
Scott’s fine was cancelled and he only paid £5 for the legal help.
In partnership with Just Answer.
How do you pay a UKCPS parking ticket?
You could choose to pay a UKCPS parking ticket If you feel that it’d be easier and less stressful. It just means visiting their website and following the online payment process.
You’ll need the following details when you pay:
- The Parking Charge Notice number
- Your vehicle registration number (VRN)
- The payment method you want to use whether a debit or credit card
What debt advice is there in the UK?
If you’re struggling to pay the parking ticket and other bills, you should contact one of the UK charities. These not-for-profit charities offer free debt advice which could be invaluable in helping you get out of debt.
I’ve listed some of the charities in the table below:
Name of Charity | Link to Charity Website |
Citizens Advice | |
National Debtline | |
Stepchange | |
MoneyPlus Advice | |
Do I have to pay the UKPC parking charge?
As mentioned, a Parking Charge Notice is only enforceable when an operator wins a case against you in court.
However, the operator is known to pass your details on to debt collection agencies when a parking ticket goes unpaid.
According to the operator’s website, they aren’t slow when it comes to taking court action against non-payers!
What happens if I ignore the private parking charge?
Things could escalate when you ignore a private parking ticket. You have 28 days to settle the ticket, but if you miss the deadline, or you just ignore the Parking Charge Notice, the operator could take you to court.
A County Court Judgement (CCJ) could be registered on your credit file!
How Much Is a UKCPS Parking Charge Notice?
The amount a car park operator can charge you for a parking violation on private land is capped at £50 in England and Wales. Although, it can be higher in London.
However, according to the UKCPS website, their ‘standard’ charge to motorists is £100 which can be reduced to £60 if the ticket is settled early. So maybe, the operator needs to update their website!
Also, it’s worth noting that UKCPS claims to add extra charges if they need to apply to a County Court to recover an unpaid parking ticket.
Should you appeal a UKCPS Parking Charge?
You have every right to appeal a Parking Charge Notice if you feel the ticket is wrong, or because the operator failed to observe the Code of Practice when issuing it.
That said, the details on the parking ticket could be incorrect. In which case, you should appeal it within the deadline. Like this, if the operator rejects it, you still get to pay the discounted amount.
Plus, it costs nothing to appeal a parking ticket on private land and as a bonus, it stops the operator from taking the matter any further. Until they decide whether to reject or uphold your appeal, that is.
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How do you appeal a UKCPS parking charge?
UKCPS is an International Parking Community member (IPC) and must follow a Code of Practice when issuing tickets to motorists.
You can appeal the parking ticket online using the operators’ appeals process. That said, you’d need to offer enough otherwise the operator will reject it.
The sort of evidence could include:
- Photos of signs that weren’t clear or which were confusing with misleading information on the signage
- A copy of the valid pay and display ticket you purchased
- A witness statement if there’s someone who can corroborate your version of events
- An invoice from a recovery truck if your vehicle had broken down
- Proof the parking ticket was issued before the grace period had expired
Make sure you have a good reason to challenge the Parking Charge Notice otherwise the operator will reject it!
What are the chances of winning a parking appeal?
The chances of winning a parking ticket appeal are quite high with around 56% of tickets being overturned. Plus, because it costs nothing to appeal a Parking Charge Notice, it’s well worth the effort!
What if UKCPS rejects your appeal?
You have the right to take your appeal to an independent appeals service. As UKCPS is a member of the International Parking Community, your appeal should be addressed to the Independent Appeals Service (IAS) within 21 days of receiving the rejection letter.
However, you have the right to appeal the ticket with IAS within 12 months if you opt to pay a fee of £15.
Hire a Parking Solicitor for less than a coffee.
If you’re thinking about appealing your parking ticket then getting some professional advice is a good idea.
Getting the support of a Solicitor can make your appeal much more likely to win.
For a £5 trial, Solicitors from JustAnswer can look at your case and help you create an airtight appeal.
In partnership with Just Answer.