How to Appeal UKPC Parking Fine – Should You Pay or Not?

Have you got a parking fine from UKPC? Don’t worry. Each month, over 32,000 people visit our site for advice on tickets and fines, so you’re not alone.
You may be feeling worried about paying the fine and what might happen if you don’t. We understand your worries. That’s why, in this guide, we’ll show you:
- Who UKPC are, and why you might get a parking fine from them.
- How to avoid paying UKPC parking tickets.
- The cost of a UKPC parking fine and if it’s enforceable.
- What happens if you don’t pay a parking fine on private land.
- How to appeal a UKPC parking fine and the evidence you need.
Remember, we’re here to help you handle your UKPC parking fine. Let’s dive in!
Most Ticket Appeals Succeed
In some circumstances, you might have a legitimate reason not to pay your fine.
It’s a bit sneaky, but the last time I needed legal advice, I paid £5 for a trial to chat with an online solicitor called JustAnswer.
Not only did I save £50 on solicitor feeds, I also won my case and didn’t have to pay my £271 fine.
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*According to Martin Lewis, 56% of people who try to appeal their ticket are successful and get the charge overturned, so it’s well worth a try.
Why would you get a UKPC parking fine?
UKPC issues parking charges when you don’t obey the rules when using car parks they manage. So, when you don’t follow the operator’s T&Cs, UKPC is authorised to give you a parking ticket.
Maybe you didn’t pay to park or park your car across two bays. You may have used a bay designated for families with children or the disabled. Or you could have left your car parked overnight when it’s not allowed.
UKPC will give you a parking ticket and could leave the fine on your windscreen. The fine will drop through your letterbox if the parking infringement is recorded on CCTV or ANPR.
Is a UKPC parking fine enforceable?
A UKPC parking fine is not enforceable, to begin with. But if the operator wins a case in a small claims court and the judge rules in UKPC’s favour, it becomes enforceable.
How much will a UKPC parking fine cost you?
The operator could charge you up to £100 since a new cap was put on temporary hold this year. That said, there are plans to reinstate a lower cap in 2023. But till then, UKPC could issue fines substantially more than the proposed cap.
That said, all private car park management companies must offer discounts when you pay a parking charge within two weeks. This can be up to 40% less than the original charge.
How does UKPC know where to send a parking charge?
UKPC is a member of the British Parking Association (BPA). Therefore, the operator can access the DVLA database to retrieve a registered keeper’s details. You’ll get the parking ticket through the post within a set deadline, which could be up to 14 days later.
Successful Appeal Case Study
Initial Fine | £100 |
Additional Fees | £171 |
Total Fine | £271 |
The Appeal Process
Scott used JustAnswer, online legal service to enhance his appeal. The trial of this cost him just £5.
Total Fine | £271 |
Cost of legal advice | £5 |
JustAnswer helped Scott craft the best appeal possible and he was able to win his case.
Scott’s fine was cancelled and he only paid £5 for the legal help.
In partnership with Just Answer.
Should you pay a UKPC parking fine within two weeks?
Paying a UKPC parking fine within two weeks is an option worth considering. But only if you’re sure the charge is correct and you deserve the fine. That said, when you pay within 14 days, the amount is reduced by up to 40%.
But you can also pay within 28 days. It just means you pay the full amount! Also, when you pay a UKPC parking fine, you can’t change your mind and appeal the charge!
What’s the UKPC appeals process?
You can appeal a UKPC parking fine and have every right to contest the charge. Especially when you feel it’s unfair or just plain wrong!
All appeals against a UKPC parking ticket must be made in writing to the operator. So, you have the option to:
- Appeal the charge online
- Print out the operator’s online appeal form and send it through the post
Also, you must send your appeal to the operator within 28 days of the parking charge being issued. But you can appeal within two weeks (14 days), which means you could pay a reduced amount if the operator rejects it.
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What evidence do you need for a UKPC appeal?
You must provide as much evidence as possible when making a UKPC appeal. In short, you’ll need to give a valid reason for cancelling the parking charge. I’ve listed some reasons below:
- You didn’t park badly or commit a parking infringement
- The parking charge arrived by post more than fourteen days after the alleged violation
- You were not the owner of the vehicle when the parking charge was issued
- The operator issued the parking fine before the grace period had expired
- The operator incorrectly served the parking charge
- The ticket arrived in the mail, but the car park had no signs indicating CCTV was in operation
Once the operator receives your appeal, things get put on hold. In short, no further action is taken until the operator decides to accept or reject your appeal.
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What happens if UKPC rejects my appeal?
UKPC sends you a letter of rejection which must include information on escalating your appeal to an independent appeals service. In this instance, it’s The Driving on Private Land Appeals (POPLA) service.
This is the last stage of an appeal against a private parking ticket. After that, POPLA’s decision is final, so if they rule in the operator’s favour, you’ll have to pay. But if you win your appeal, the operator must cancel the charge.
When you appeal to POPLA, everything remains on hold until a decision is made. Plus, the service is free of charge.
How to avoid paying UKPC parking tickets
If you want to avoid paying a UKPC parking ticket then you’ll need an airtight appeal.
The best way to perfect your appeal is getting a little advice from a Solicitor. I’d 100% recommend spending a fiver to get a trial of JustAnswer.
You can explain your situation in their chat and they’ll connect you with a Solicitor who can advise you and give you the best chance to win your appeal.
Click here to get the trial offer with JustAnswer.
Should you ignore a UKPC parking fine?
You could ignore a UKPC parking fine, and some motorists do. But it may end badly. For example, the operator may begin legal proceedings, win a case, and you could get a County Court Judgement levied against you.
In short, ignoring a parking ticket on private land could ruin your credit history. You’d have trouble getting a loan, borrowing money or taking out a mortgage. So, it’s best to appeal the charge, so things go on hold. Or you could pay the parking ticket within two weeks, so you get to pay a reduced fine.
Hire a Parking Solicitor for less than a coffee.
If you’re thinking about appealing your parking ticket then getting some professional advice is a good idea.
Getting the support of a Solicitor can make your appeal much more likely to win.
For a £5 trial, Solicitors from JustAnswer can look at your case and help you create an airtight appeal.
In partnership with Just Answer.