Free Parking Ticket Appeal Template Download

Receiving a parking ticket can feel unfair, especially if you think you’ve done nothing wrong. Every month, over 32,000 people come to this site for advice on tickets and fines. We understand it can be a stressful and confusing time, but don’t worry; this guide is here to help.
In this article, we’ll walk you through:
- The difference between a parking charge and a penalty charge.
- Steps to take to appeal your ticket.
- What to do if your appeal is rejected.
- How to download, edit and send a letter of appeal.
- How to check if you have a Penalty Charge Notice.
This site is a trusted resource for many people facing the same worries as you. So, breathe easy and read on; you’re not alone in this. Let’s dive in and talk about your options when it comes to making an informed decision about your parking ticket appeal.
Most Ticket Appeals Succeed
In some circumstances, you might have a legitimate reason not to pay your fine.
It’s a bit sneaky, but the last time I needed legal advice, I paid £5 for a trial to chat with an online solicitor called JustAnswer.
Not only did I save £50 on solicitor feeds, I also won my case and didn’t have to pay my £271 fine.
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*According to Martin Lewis, 56% of people who try to appeal their ticket are successful and get the charge overturned, so it’s well worth a try.
How do you appeal a parking ticket?
It’s good to know that accredited car park management companies must follow a Code of Practice when issuing parking tickets. Whether the company is recognised by the International Parking Community or the British Parking Association, they should abide by the ‘rules’.
On the other hand, local councils, the police and other authorities must follow the legislation that governs how they serve Penalty Charge Notices.
You have the right to appeal parking tickets if the issuer served them incorrectly, or if the amount charged is prohibitive. You could dispute a parking charge because it’s unfair!
Of course, you need to check whether a parking ticket was issued correctly and that it was you driving when it was served. It’s never a good idea to pay for a parking ticket straight away without checking the details first!
How should you deal with a parking ticket issued by a private operator?
You may think you have three choices when a private operator issues you with a parking ticket. Otherwise known as a Parking Charge Notice.
I’ve listed the 3 options here:
- First, you may want to bin the parking ticket out of hand
- Second, you could opt to pay it within two weeks to pay a reduced amount
- Third, appeal against the parking charge within 14 days so if the issuer rejects it, you still pay the reduced fine
Binning a parking ticket could turn out to be an expensive mistake even when you’re furious at having got one! But the other two options are definitely worth considering.
Successful Appeal Case Study
Initial Fine | £100 |
Additional Fees | £171 |
Total Fine | £271 |
The Appeal Process
Scott used JustAnswer, online legal service to enhance his appeal. The trial of this cost him just £5.
Total Fine | £271 |
Cost of legal advice | £5 |
JustAnswer helped Scott craft the best appeal possible and he was able to win his case.
Scott’s fine was cancelled and he only paid £5 for the legal help.
In partnership with Just Answer.
What’s the difference between a parking charge and a penalty charge?
They look the same, both parking tickets have the same acronym, PCN which is designed to confuse you. But in reality, a Parking Charge Notice is very different from a Penalty Charge Notice. Parking charges are invoices whereas Penalty Charges are backed by the law.
Are there any acceptable excuses to appeal a parking ticket?
Yes. There are some legitimate excuses for appealing a parking ticket and I’ve listed some here:
- You paid the right fee and parked your vehicle correctly
- The road markings were faded and the signage was unclear
- The payment machines were not working and there wasn’t another way to pay
- Your car was stolen when the parking ticket was issued
- You didn’t own the vehicle when the parking charge was issued
- The parking ticket arrived well over 14 days after an alleged parking infringement
- An emergency stopped you from returning to your vehicle on time
- The issuer didn’t allow you a ‘grace period’ before giving you a ticket
- Your vehicle broke down and you had to wait for the breakdown assistance
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How do you challenge a parking ticket on private land?
You should appeal a parking ticket on private land as soon as possible by following the issuer appeals process. That said, the deadline to appeal a parking charge is twenty-eight days.
But when you file an appeal within 14 days, and the issuer rejects it, you get to pay a reduced charge. This is 40% less!
Also, as soon as a car park management company receives your appeal, they place any further action on hold while they consider it.
What’s the appeals process for a parking ticket on private land?
As mentioned, you must follow an issuer’s appeals process when you get a parking ticket on private land. I’ve included how to appeal a parking ticket on private land here.
First, check whether the car park operator is accredited. If the operator isn’t a member of the accredited trade association (ATA), wait for them to contact you rather than contacting them first.
Non-accredited operators can’t access the DVLA database. Therefore, they can’t get a registered keeper’s details!
But you can also file a complaint with the DVLA because the operator may have retrieved your details unlawfully!
Check out the Which report!

However, if you get the parking ticket in the post, the non-accredited operator has somehow retrieved your address. Therefore, you should reply to the notice.
Can you complain about a non-accredited operator?
Yes, you can also file a complaint with the DVLA because the operator may have retrieved your details unlawfully!
If the response you get from the DVLA is unsatisfactory, you have the right to report a breach of privacy to the Information Commissioner.
If the operator is a recognised member of the British Parking Association (BPA) or the International Parking Community (IPC), you know you can escalate your appeal to an independent appeals service if the operator rejects it.
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How do you escalate a rejected appeal to an appeals service?
If your appeal is rejected by an ATA member, you have the right to escalate your appeal to an independent appeals service.
British Parking Association | Parking on Private Land Appeals (POPLA) |
International Parking Community | Independent Appeals Service (IAS) |
You have 28 days to escalate your appeal once an accredited BPA member rejects it. However, if the operator is an IPC member, you have 21 days to escalate your appeal to the IAS.
You must provide supporting evidence when you escalate your appeal.
That said, there’s no formal appeals process if the operator is not an ATA member.
How do you download, edit and send a letter of appeal?
You should download the letter of appeal once you have supporting evidence. Make sure you keep a copy for your own records. You may need the information if the operator rejects your appeal and you decide to escalate things.
Once you click the ‘send’ tab, that’s it, your appeal against the parking charge is sent to the operator. You should get a reply confirming receipt of the appeal within a few days. But it can take longer at times.
The best part about appealing a parking charge notice is the issuer can’t do anything while they consider your appeal!
I hope the information in my post helps you deal with a fine by using the free parking ticket template download!
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If you’re thinking about appealing your parking ticket then getting some professional advice is a good idea.
Getting the support of a Solicitor can make your appeal much more likely to win.
For a £5 trial, Solicitors from JustAnswer can look at your case and help you create an airtight appeal.
In partnership with Just Answer.